Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Where was George?

That 60 Minutes interview with Ben Barnes is going to air today (Wed). The rumor running around is the Barnes interview will be just one part of the 'where was george' story. Stay tuned.

Assault Weapons Ban

From MoveOn:
On Monday, September 13th, at midnight, the national ban on military-style assault weapons will expire, allowing these murderous weapons back on our streets.Congress is feeling the heat and is prepared to renew the ban, if the president will only ask -- but President Bush is letting the ban expire, on behalf of the gun lobby. We've got to take action.
Please sign on to our emergency petition to President Bush and Congress to renew the assault weapons ban now.

Chin up, bucko

Sure, some folks are getting a bit worried about Kerry's chances. Hey, it happens. Now, towel off and get over it! Remember:

Bush still has a net negative job performance rating, a negative re-elect (i.e. more voters think it is time for someone new than feel he deserves re-election) and a net negative wrong direction for the country. (
as per Zogby).

Nothing has changed, except the level of rhetoric. There is lots of work to do!


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