Wednesday, February 18, 2004

It's a Vonal Declosion, Baby!

Here's a good way to listen to the new Stereolab CD, "Margerine Eclipse:"

Sit near a window. Wait for a big rainstorm. Hope that it's a big, powerful system; one that has traveled a long way to dump its wet load on your town. Wait some more, while the rain falls. This may take some time.

Is the storm finally spent? Good. Now put on the CD and go sit back down near your window.

Begin by watching the clouds as they shed their sense of purpose. Although still traveling fairly rapidly across the sky, in loosely conjoined clusters, by now it's obvious they've lost interest in mass cooperative, stormy, effort. It's time they got back to reestablishing their own self identities. Let's not spoil it for them, by noting they are still vectoring along with the mother storm's essence.

Aren't these clouds just like a crowd leaving a big rock concert? Yes, they are. In fact, play Stereolab's "Margerine Eclipse" as you leave your next rock show. It is excellent listening, during these moments of suspension. Highly recommended.

(And no, there is no hidden metaphor here. The departed Mary Hansen is not ___ and the guys are not ___...)


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