Thursday, April 17, 2003

Incongruous Event Planning

The wine company I'm employed by (me on the corporate, dotcom, side; the following is from the retail side. Why am I feeling compelled to distance myself?) is staging a public winetasting, a week from saturday. As part of the event, they've invited two sitar players.

Is there something odd about this, or is it just me? I've never equated sitar music with 'background' ambience. I guess you don't *have* to sit in rapt attention. It'll probably depend on the expectations and vibes given off by the players. But still, talking about the nose of a full bodied cabernet sauvignon, while a couple of guys spin a meditative aural spiral to a higher plane is going to be interesting, to say the least.

If you're around San Mateo come April 26, let me know. I'll get you on the 'preferred customer' list. Cheaper that way.


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